    Transitioning to Cloud an ...
    18 February 22

    Transitioning to Cloud and Cyber Security Concerns

    Posted byINE

    2021 saw more than 75% of businesses utilize a Cloud solution of some kind, and that transition is only continuing to rise! Cloud is the way of the future, and as we progress through the digital age and look for more innovative means of conducting business, organizations can’t afford to keep stacking papers; tangible data is slow and ineffective.

    Businesses know the switch to Cloud is coming. It’s a matter of when, not if because cloud is a business necessity. So how can businesses implement Cloud in the competitive environment while maintaining their information security?

    Making the Transition
    The transition to Cloud takes time and resources but comes with an increase in efficiency and accessibility following implementation. However, it’s important to keep in mind there are more risks to the data during the transition phase. That’s where cyber security comes into play. 

    When a business is making the transition to Cloud, the first step is to explore and select the best Cloud solution for their business needs. Once any and all needs have been identified, the transition process can be planned out. Planning needs to incorporate two key things outside of Cloud specialist responsibilities: a data audit and a cyber security analysis. 

    By conducting a data audit, the team can identify key pieces of data which require the most protection, as well as pieces which may not be viewed as critical to prioritize. This allows the cyber security team to conduct penetration tests ahead of time and develop secure defenses for the actual transition period. By doing so, your team is set to have a successful transition with mitigated, minimal risk to your data and business practices.

    Information Tracking
    Information tracking and storage is one of the driving factors for businesses in their decision to switch to Cloud. The ability to modularize, sort, and pull data efficiently is one of the perks of properly managed Cloud data. 

    However, this is also one of the reasons why some businesses are hesitant to switch to Cloud to begin with. Cloud is new, meaning it will come with a process for tracking data which is different from the existing process. In some cases, the existing process has been in place for more than a decade! 

    One of the ways to make the transition to a new information tracking process easier include conducting a content audit before and after implementing the new Cloud solution so the team can see how the process will work going forward, and hopefully see why it’s an improvement. A data backup before transitioning should also be conducted to ensure no data is lost. Another factor here is the management of data and approvals, which is further addressed in data protection!

    Data Protection
    Sometimes when we can’t physically see or feel something, it seems harder to protect or identify. When that invisible entity is moving though, it becomes even harder to track and protect, but not impossible. Cloud services can come in different forms, such as private and public, and therefore have different needs for their protection. 

    Options for protecting your data during and after the transition to Cloud include identifying responsibilities between your team and your Cloud provider. This helps your Cloud management team and your security team understand what’s provided and what actions to take should an issue with data protection occur.

    There is also the added value of authentication practices. Adding layers of authentication helps to increase security around your data, protecting it from attacks and enabling workflows to progress smoothly. You should always know who has access to specific pieces of information so you can track information throughout the transition process and beyond.

    Keeping these items in mind, your Cloud transition can be secure and efficient. The transition to Cloud is a necessary step to taking your business to the next level, and training in Cloud, whether your organization currently has a Cloud solution or not, can keep you ahead of the competition. INE provides training in Cloud and Cyber Security, as well as Networking and Data Science. Take advantage of the individual or business plan and hone your IT skills today! You can also check out the INE Live session where Cloud expert, Brooks Seahorn, and Cyber Security expert, Jack Reedy, discuss these topics in-depth.

    About INE

    INE is the premier provider of technical training for the IT industry. INE is revolutionizing the digital learning industry through the implementation of adaptive technologies and a proven method of hands-on training experiences. Our portfolio of training is built for all levels of technical learning, specializing in advanced networking technologies, next generation security and infrastructure programming and development. Want to talk to a training advisor about our course offerings and training plans? Give us a call at 877-224-8987 or email us at

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