Featured Webcast

Battle It Out: INE Launches New CTF Arena!
INE is thrilled to announce the launch of our new cyber range! Compete and use your training to complete a series of cybersecurity tasks and be the first to solve the CTF.
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Code Blue: The Urgency of Strengthening Healthcare Cyber Defenses
Join INE Cyber Defensive Instructor Brian Olliff to talk solutions to the continued cyber attacks in the healthcare industry.

DISCOVERING SKILL DIVE - The Next Level of Hands-On Training
Join Kathryn Brown and Tracy Wallace as they take us on a digital tour and show us why Skill Dive is a critical part of your cyber range for skill development.

It’s INE’s 20th Anniversary! 1-on-1 with INE’s CEO Dara Warn
We sit down with INE’s CEO Dara Warn to talk about INE’s 20th anniversary, the launch of skill assessments for enterprise, INE Security, and cyber ranges!

INE & Brian McGahan: Celebrating 20 Years!
We’re sitting down with INE Co-Founder, Instructor, and 4x CCIE Brian McGahan to look back on INE’s 20 years as an organization.

eEDA Certification Launch Update + Pickleball Giveaway!
Join your host Kathryn Brown and Defensive Engineering Instructor Brian Olliff for a deep dive into the new Enterprise Defense Administrator Certification from INE!

Networking Meets the Cloud - Q&A w/ Keith Bogart & Tracy Wallace
Join two of INE’s most experienced instructors, Keith Bogart and Tracy Wallace for another Open Q&A discussing the convergence of Networking and the Cloud.

Networking in 2023: Q&A w/ Rohit Pardasani & Keith Bogart
Join INE instructors Rohit Pardasani and Keith Bogart as they discuss how they got started in networking and keep up with the rapid pace of the industry.

FRESH PERSPECTIVES: Starting Your IT Career with The Bearded IT Dad
Join INE Cloud Instructor Brooks S. Seahorn and special guest Dakota Seufert-Snow, also known as The Bearded I.T. Dad IT Dad, as they discuss the best practices and tips to land your first career in tech.
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