Learning paths
Azure Solutions Architect ...

Azure Solutions Architect Expert (AZ-303 & AZ-304)

As a leading cloud provider, Azure is a critical component of the IT portfolio for many companies, governments, and organizations. Architecting solutions that run optimally in Azure requires a deep working knowledge of a wide range of resources and services. The Microsoft Certified Azure Solution Architect Expert is Microsoft's premier certificate validating your proficiency in designing solutions that run in Azure. This learning path is designed to help you develop expertise in a wide range of skills including infrastructure design and implementation; diagnostics monitoring and auditing, identity, authentication, and security; application services; data services; and business continuity. Successfully completing this learning path will get you ready for the Azure Architect certification exams, but more importantly, it will give you the information you need to effectively design solutions in Azure.

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Our world-renowned instructors are some of the most experienced professionals in the industry and created our content with your success in mind.

Rick B, Security Solutions Architect

INE Platform and Training


““With INE, there are so many things to like. The learning paths are well laid out and easy to consume. All of the instructors are very good and well spoken. The reference material and labs are always in a place you can easily work from and flow well with the course. You can tell they put a lot of work into the workbooks as well as the labs. Bookmarks and notes in the training are very useful. From the beginning of INE, Rack Rentals have been a mainstay and one of the reasons I joined early on. They continue to be one of the main reasons I use them, I can try things out in a lab environment without having to build it myself. I also like the ability to discover different learning paths when training. I have done trainings, I normally would have thought of.””



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