How can we help you?
If the FAQ below do not help answer your question, please be sure to contact us at for additional information.
About platform
Supporting your learning journey is our passion. We've provided these frequently asked questions to ensure that you can answer questions on demand. Don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have additional questions.
What networking certifications do you offer training for?
Are the Networking Workbooks available in a Monthly Pass?
Are the cyber labs available within the Monthly Pass?
How long does it take to study for and obtain an Azure certification?
Does INE have hands-on exercises for cloud content?
What is a Learning Path?
Are all Learning Paths included with an INE subscription?
Do you offer training for all student levels?
Do you offer payment plans?
Can I pay with my favorite Crypto Currency?
I've decided to upgrade my current subscription to the Premium plan and I now have a credit balance. What can I use this credit to purchase? Can I use it for other things like exam vouchers and rack rental tokens?
I don't need access to all of the training verticals you offer, can I purchase access for just one? I don't want to pay for something I am not using.
Does the premium subscription give access to course material for all courses (Networking, Cloud, Data Science, and Cyber Security), or should I choose which path I want to follow?
I am not always connected to the internet, are your training courses available for offline view?
What sets INE apart from other training vendors?
Do you offer Certifications for your training?
Do eLearnSecurity certifications expire? Do exam vouchers expire?
What if I need training for my organization?
Why can’t I buy an Enterprise Business Plan online?
Can I share my experience with INE training content and document walkthroughs of labs publicly online?
Get in touch with an INE expert today!
Whether you have a question about a platform feature, would like to know more about our business plans, or have a support question, we’re here to help! Please call the number below or fill out the form on the page and someone will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
Monday - Friday8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Eastern Time
US Customer1-877-224-8987
Outside US+1-984-444-9917