Why You Should Get Certif ...
05 December 18

Why You Should Get Certified with CompTIA

Posted byMelissa Hallock


Have you wondered why your tablet, computer, Xbox, PS4 or streaming TV is getting disconnected from your home network? Have you met that person who claims they can fix your home network and all they do is reset everything? Why does that only work sometimes? Becoming a certified technology professional will help you understand the answers to your “why” questions. You will also learn “how.” Sometimes, the “how” answer includes resetting equipment involved in the information technology infrastructure as an acceptable remedy, but do you understand why it had to be reset?

It could be the equipment is too close or too far from the wireless router or access point. How do you know which is correct? Maybe there was an update to the system that impacted the network. Do you understand how an update to a different device can impact the quality of your connection?

The Certified Technology Professional is that person who will ask “why” is this happening, find the “how” and apply it to the answer. They will then make the proper changes to minimize the chance of the issue reoccurring.

When thinking about IT certifications, one of the best places to start is CompTIA. Why? Because by using their 36 years of experience in the Information Technology Training field they created the three (3) primary certifications that are still the industry standard for Informational Technology knowledge.

Did you know that almost every modern device has an Operating System, also called OS? Your automobile, television, tablet, cell phone, some smart appliances (such as refrigerators that connect to the internet) and every item that is part of the “Internet of Things.” Basically, if it connects to the internet it has an operating system, and IP address. Are these devices secure? How many items in your home are connected? Are you overloading your router with device data requests? Are you getting the internet speed you are paying for? By getting the A+ certification, followed by the Network + and Security + you will understand how the technology works together in our modern world.

The A+ certification covers all the basics such as hardware, Operating Systems including Windows command line which is where the true power is, the basics of networking, how to troubleshoot and secure a network such as your home or small business, why you should have a “guest” side and not give out the main password and some of the best practices in the Information Technology field.

That means you can make your home even faster, maybe even help your friends and family enjoy modern technology even more.

Now what? You have mastered part of the foundation of the modern world, everywhere you go, everywhere you look you will see Information Technology and how it impacts the world. You are now ready for the next step to expand your foundation of understanding how the modern world works.

The next step you will take is the Network +. This certification expands your understanding of networking. This will include expanding your knowledge on items such as how to implement various styles of networks, the difference between the physical and logical network, pros and cons of both wired and wireless networks, how to troubleshoot the network, is it a network or application issue, what are the best practices to keep the network running, and which tools you need to use to monitor your network.

The final certification to complete your foundation of knowledge of Information Technology in the modern world is Security +. You have learned about how devices interact to create the modern world through the ever-expanding global internet, now how do you protect yourself, your devices, your home and your company? That is what you will learn in this Certification. This is one of the most challenging and rewarding parts of Information Technology field as it can change by the hour. What tools are used to gain access to your devices and network? What tools do you use to stop them? How secure of password do you really need? Where are your security weak points? Are your weak points the Operating Systems, Applications or the Hardware on your network? With these three certifications, you have the best foundation of understanding how the modern world works, how to support it, fix it, and improve it.



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