Why Summer is the Superio ...
24 June 20

Why Summer is the Superior Time to Reach Your Goals

Posted byINE

There are a few different times in the year when we naturally feel inspired to better ourselves. We find motivation during the holidays, when going back to school, or as the spring cleaning bug hits. They’re all fresh starts, new achievements unlocked to advance you to the next level. It feels great!

Then Day 2 comes around, followed by Day 3, then eventually Day 7, and suddenly it’s been a month and, well, you’ll get around to that goal at a better time. Whenever that is.

Good news! That time is now.

Summer is a time for success. It’s the best season to accomplish a short-term goal, take a big step towards a long-term plan, sharpen your skills, or learn something new. The next 3 months are about opportunity and how we choose to make the most of it.

The COVID-19 Elephant in the Room 

This summer is different, of course. Time seems to have blended together. It's difficult to feel as though summer is it's own, singular season. Many of us are also feeling stir-crazy or defeated. Regaining any sort of focus feels impossible.

Let's take a deep breath and reorient ourselves. The summer will always be ours for the making. 

Pending the Apocalypse. But we digress. 

Despite the circumstances we currently find ourselves in, summer still has a unique ability to unite the positive aspects of other seasons into a time of optimism and motivation. Why should resolutions only apply in January? Aren't there times other than April that are great for cleaning up? Can't we prepare ourselves with the same energy that we do in September? Summer grants time for all of these seasonal routines and more. How can you use each one to set yourself up for success?


Make the Choice

A 3 Month Resolution      

When the New Year begins, we see a full 365 days available to us to redefine our habits and achieve our goals. We use that moment to make a promise to ourselves that we will dedicate our time accordingly, for the rest of the year.

However, 12 months leaves plenty of time to procrastinate or feel overwhelmed and give up. It’s no secret that most New Year’s Resolutions are broken by February. How can you maintain momentum and follow through?

Giving yourself a realistic time frame can significantly improve your odds of success. Summer is ideal for working at your own pace within a specific window of time. Established parameters allow you to focus on what matters most and put yourself in the best position to reach the finish line.

Serious milestones can be met in 3 months. For example, if you’re preparing to take the CCIE Security v5 Lab exam, you can aptly cover all the content you’ll be tested on, while only needing to devote 3 hours a week over the course of summer. By the end of August, you’ll be more than ready to ace your test.

Choosing to commit to a new goal is half the battle. A specific timeline can guide you to your desired outcome. Summer is an excellent time to implement a plan to take your career to the next level.

Get Organized

Decide What Your Career Needs

Spring cleaning is a time to create an environment that is ideal for your productivity and peace of mind. What kind of space keeps you focused and energized?

Just like our workspaces, sometimes our own plans can become cluttered and unorganized. We’re distracted by low priority items or side projects that fail to contribute to our personal progress. Summer provides the space we need to take inventory of the skills we’ve acquired. We have room to see what we should work on and what we should let go of.


Most offices slow down throughout the summer, as more people go on vacation and take advantage of the longer days. As a result, summer offers extra time to learn new skills that can propel you forward. If you’ve been contemplating the advantages of being proficient in Microsoft Azure, for example, you can use the bonus hours of summer to gain a new or deeper understanding of how Azure works. With experts available and ready to share everything they know, harnessing a skill like Azure becomes even easier.

Adding new skills to your portfolio is a great way to keep your long-term goals organized and clear. Eliminate distractions this summer by using the extra time to strengthen your career. Acquiring knowledge and ability will help you do just that.

Be Prepared

Gather Your Tools

Preparing for Back to School season is all about supplies. What do you need? Where can you find it? Why so many glue sticks? By the end, having everything you need makes you feel confident about the tasks ahead.

Your career path also requires specific tools that will make the ongoing journey easier. Consider what you might use most as you work towards your goals.

You can earn vital certifications over the summer that will put you in an ideal job position by the fall. Being certified in Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud is becoming increasingly tantamount to career advancement in the IT field. Having these qualifications indicates to others that you're not only capable, but also invested in continued learning and personal development.

Additionally, the personal benefits are significant. Certifications lead to more job opportunities, a higher starting salary, promotions, and raises. Becoming certified in any field, be it Microsoft Azure or Cisco, is summertime well spent.


Embrace Opportunity

You Can Do This

Summer encompasses the best parts of the entire year. With celebration, focus, and drive, you can jump into a plan that works for you and your aspirations. The next 3 months are yours to design. You can change ‘I’m going to do that’ to ‘I did it’.

INE wants to help. Whether you’re preparing for an exam, developing a new skill, or earning a valuable certification, INE provides you with everything you need to optimize your summer. With over 16,000 videos, as well as Learning Paths, workbooks, webinars, and more, you can use your subscription to build your path forward.

Make this summer the one that defines the course of your career. You have the dedication, workspace, tools, and time to make the most of the opportunities in front of you.

Summer is a time of possibility. Cheers to you and the adventure ahead.


 Get started on your summer goals today with INE. Choose the training program that's best for you.





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