    Take On The SPCORE Exam W ...
    11 September 20

    Take On The SPCORE Exam With Two New Courses

    Posted byINE

    This week, follow along with INE instructor Rohit Pardasani as he takes you through implementing and optimizing OSPF v2/v3 and ISIS Protocols. These networking courses cover essential skills needed to fully understand the CCNP Service Provider certification.

    Implementing and Optimizing OSPF v2/v3 Protocol - This course covers implementing OSPF routing protocol which is the core IGP in the CCNP SPCORE Exam. Here in this course, you will learn OSPF basics, Implementing OSPF with IPv4 and IPv6, LSA Types, Network Types, and Implementing MultiArea OSPF. Students who are preparing for the CCNP SPCORE Exam or professionals who are working in the Service Provider environment will benefit from this course, as will anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of OSPF. 

    Implementing and Optimizing ISIS Protocol - This course covers implementing Integrated System-Integrated System (ISIS) routing protocol which is the core IGP in the CCNP SPCORE Exam. Here in this course, you will learn ISIS basics, Implementing ISIS with IPv4 and IPv6, Single Topology and MultiTopology. Students who are preparing for the CCNP SPCORE Exam or professionals who are working in the Service Provider environment will benefit from this course, as will anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of ISIS.

    To see all of our Cisco Service Provider courses, click here. Looking to further your networking skills past Service Provider? INE's Networking training features thousands of hours of content, interactive quizzes and more in order to equip you with the skills you need for reach your next certification goal!  

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