Take On The AZ-204 With Two New Courses
This week, prepare for your AZ-204 certification exam with two new development courses from INE instructor and Azure expert Tracy Wallace. Part of our Azure Developer Associate learning path, these courses give you the foundational knowledge to take on the exam with confidence.
Azure Development - Azure Integration Services - As it turns out, the cloud is a big place. Cloud applications leverage a wide range of services from a wide range of providers. In this course, INE looks at the technologies and resources in Azure that simplify the process of integrating cloud services. Topics include no-code Logic app solutions, API management, and integration, and enterprise-class event and messaging systems such as event grid, event hub, and service bus
Azure Development - Monitor and Optimize Cloud Applications - Instrumentation is a critical element of application development that is often overlooked or at best given little effort. In this course, we explore the services available with Azure that make instrumenting your applications much easier. The topics covered include Application Insights, Azure Monitor, and querying diagnostic and performance data. The course also covers best practice techniques for leveraging the scale and efficiency that the cloud provides.