Stay Safe, Stay Focused, ...
24 March 20

Stay Safe, Stay Focused, Don't Give Up

Posted byINE

It's been an astounding experience to watch communities around the world come together as we collectively face so much fear and uncertainty. COVID-19 has upended our daily realities, which has been overwhelming both on- and off-line. It's difficult to know what to do or where to start. We understand. We're with you.

Yet despite these new challenges, there is so much to be grateful for.

We're grateful for the extraordinary sacrifices and dedication shown by our medical professionals and those managing and working within the food industry, government services, and more.

Right now there are thousands of people working around the clock to provide us as much stability as possible. As many employees shift to working remotely and all of us rely on technology for entertainment and outreach, the IT field is ensuring we have access to what we need.

Enjoying streaming services? Making purchases safely online? Maintaining your work outside the office? All of these activities are available to us thanks to networking engineers, data scientists, cybersecurity specialists, and IT experts across the field. Everywhere we look, we're reminded of the tremendous work these professionals have done and continue to do to ensure those on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic can remain efficient, and we at home can have a sense of normalcy.

As we navigate these uncertain times together, it's comforting to know that our ability to connect remains strong.

INE's Promise to You

You can count on INE to be there, continuing to work alongside you. Our team will always be committed to your education and success.

The INE platform remains available and new courses will be added weekly, ready for you to access whenever and wherever life finds you working. We will still be hosting free webinars and sharing resources regarding online training, work from home strategies, Cisco lab updates, and more.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us. As always, we're happy to provide support and guidance. Our circumstances may change, but our foundational focus never will. When you need us, we're here.

Thank you for choosing INE as your trusted partner for IT training and development. It's a privilege to be on your team and have the opportunity to create the training you need to be successful. We're grateful for you.

Stay safe, stay focused, and don't give up.

All of us at INE wish you and yours good health and peace.



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