RMOTR Joins the INE Family
Creating a learning experience that resonates with our users is a privilege we don't take lightly. We're always searching for new opportunities to expand our content library and offer high-quality courses covering the topics you care about. That's why we can't wait to share with you what's coming next.
INE is excited to announce that RMOTR is now part of our ever-growing IT training family. We will soon be offering new, on-demand Data Science courses developed by RMOTR's expert team of professionals. Students can learn more about a variety of programming languages such as Python, R, and Julia, to name a few. Our new content is ideal for anyone in the Data Science field, from those just beginning their journey to seasoned pros always ready to take their skills to the next level.
As well as excellent instruction, each course comes with projects, quizzes, and hands-on activities to test your knowledge and keep you at the top of your game. Graded in real time, you'll always have a clear picture of what you've accomplished and what is left to learn. Each milestone is marked with an opportunity to practice your new skills, ensuring that your education is more than just an understanding of concepts. It's an action as well.
With this new Data Science content, we're excited to provide more avenues for students to take on their technological career path. Advancing your abilities as a developer can open new doors throughout the IT field. It can also increase the quality of your work and prove to be an invaluable asset to your team and company. We'll be posting consistent updates as these courses are released as well as offering free webinars covering more Data Science topics and walking users through RMOTR's platform.
You can sign up today to attend our first webinar led by Python Software Foundation Fellow Noah Gift. Python Data Science from Scratch will explore the valuation of the NBA teams with Python and Machine Learning. Attendees will learn how to use Python for Data Science and Machine Learning, perform K-Means Clustering, and perform interactive plots with Plotly, while also coming to a better understanding of a variety of Data Science and Python concepts.
RMOTR has already been rated one of the top Data Science training resources out there. This is a tremendous opportunity for everyone involved to provide reliable, extensive education that truly makes a difference. Together, INE and RMOTR will continue to develop content that you can count on.
Sign up for RMOTR's free Python Data Science Webinar today