INE Sponsors IoT Village at RSAC 2021!
INE is a proud sponsor of the IoT Village at this year’s RSA Conference! All Access Pass holders can take part in the IoT Village as part of the RSAC Sandbox on Monday, May 17 from 9:50 a.m. - 4:10 p.m. PT and Wednesday, May 19 from 9:20 a.m. - 3:40 p.m. PT.
RSAC is one of the leading cyber security events in the world where attendees can share, learn, and grow through educational and interactive events. One of the more popular RSAC interactive events are RSA Sandbox Sessions.
The 2021 RSAC IoT Village Sandbox sessions include hands-on labs focused on Blind Web App Testing, Firmware Analysis, and Binary Analysis as well as interactive educational talks covering topics including burner phones, IoT security policy, the future of IoT, and more!
INE’s very own Don Donzal will be participating in two sessions during the RSAC events! In each session, titled The Value of CyberSec Certifications: A Holistic View, he will discuss the value of cyber security certifications with fellow panelists John Hammond, Sam Levin, and Sara Pickering followed by a Q&A session with the audience. The CyberSec Certification sessions will take place on Monday, May 17 from 12:45 p.m. - 1:25 p.m. PT and Wednesday, May 19 from 12:45 p.m. - 1:25 p.m. PT.
In addition, INE Instructor Phillip Wylie will be hosting a birds of a feather discussion titled Educating Offensive Cybersecurity Professionals where he will go over how to select the right training provider and what skills are needed for offensive security training. This session will take place Wednesday, May 19 from 11:35 a.m. PT - 12:15 p.m. PT. He will also be participating in a panel discussion, titled Are Pentests Relevant with Bug Bounties during which he and panelists Joseph Mlodzianowski and Omar Santos will highlight the differences between pentests and bug bounties and whether or not pen tests are necessary to complete in combination with a bug bounty program. You can tune in to the panel discussion on May 19 from 1:30 p.m. PT - 2:10 p.m. PT.
IoT Village has a mission to bring researchers and industry together by advocating for and advancing security in the Internet of Things industry. Each year at events across the globe, they host interactive labs, talks led by industry experts, hacking contests, and more to encourage professionals to learn about innovative techniques to hack and secure IoT.
RSAC 2021 will take place virtually May 17 - 20. Each day’s events will include educational and interactive sessions designed to inform and inspire attendees.