In-Demand Tech Jobs for 2 ...
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In-Demand Tech Jobs for 2019

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Technology has been on the move ever since the invention of the wheel. As it continues to gain momentum, a pessimist may scream that we’re on an uncontrollable slide downward. But an optimist may say we’re gathering speed for takeoff. Whether you believe disaster is imminent or incredible opportunities await, you still have a role to play in this evolving landscape. Are you prepared?

There are many different jobs to fill as the technology field expands. Some are stalwarts, some require consistent updates, and some are brand new, suddenly conceived at the birth of an original idea. As you plot your own journey forward, these are the areas and occupations to keep an eye on.

Machine Learning & AI

Not the Robot Revolution You Imagined

When we pictured the mechanical assistance we would receive in the future, we envisioned our own C-3POs dilly-dallying about, dispensing bits of wisdom, and being programmed with an obsession for tidiness. Alexa certainly comes with her fair share of “insights”, but she’s uninterested in the state of the house. Nevertheless, her existence is evidence that Machine Learning is here, prevalent, and the beginning of a significant, technological culture shift.

Technology is no longer a tool we simply use, it’s a partner we consistently interact with. We trust our technology with important reminders and personal information. There is a need for Machine Learning to continue to evolve as it enhances the way we process information, do business, provide healthcare, and go about our daily lives.

Because Machine Learning is the engine of much of technology’s current progress, employers are eager to capitalize on this momentum. According to job site Indeed, Machine Learning engineers rank #1 as the most sought-after position to fill, with a 344% growth in the number of postings created between 2015-2018. On top of that, the average salary attached to the job is an impressive $146,085.

These numbers don’t even include the thousands of postings employers make on other sites, such as LinkedIn, ZipRecruiter, or In fact, LinkedIn cited Artificial Intelligence as #2 in a list of Top 5 In-demand Skills, coming in right behind Cloud Computing, which is also integral to Machine Learning. For anyone who wants to be working in a game-changing field, Machine Learning is a no-brainer.




Playing Offense with Defensive Systems

Not only does Cybersecurity remain one of the fastest growing fields in technology and in the overall job sector, it also continues to maintain a significant gap between job openings and qualified candidates. With ever-evolving cyber threats jeopardizing our personal data, company management, and even our elections, staying at the forefront of cyberdefense is crucial to our society. And yet, the number of people capable of developing and maintaining those defenses are lagging.

Entering the Cybersecurity field means guaranteed job security (no pun intended). There will always be a need, with new opportunities arising daily. By 2021, there will be an estimated 3.5 million unfilled Cybersecurity positions, worldwide. Also by 2021, 100% of large companies around the world will have a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) position, by necessity.

Unfortunately, history shows that Cybersecurity estimates consistently come in short, as cybercrime never fails to surpass expectations. That means that these already significantly large numbers, still don’t show us the full picture. It’s no surprise, then, that some of the top jobs currently in demand are cybersecurity engineer, analyst, manager/administrator, consultant, and penetration and vulnerability tester. These core jobs have an average salary range of $75,000-$129,000 a year. Still, they continue to be difficult to fill.

For those looking for opportunity, advancement, and a chance to make a difference, navigating the cyber trenches is an ideal position. This is a field that directly influences everyone and is relevant to every sector, be it education, finance, government, health, and beyond. The right information and training can put you in a prime spot for a career that will be long-lasting and rewarding.



Data Scientist

Making Sense of it All

With a year to year growth of 56% and a median base salary of $130,000, Data Scientists are emerging as another stalwart arm of the technology spectrum. It claims the #1 spot on LinkedIn’s list of 2019’s Most Promising Jobs in the U.S. and plays a role in many of the other jobs included. Other jobs sites, such as Indeed, Dice, and Glassdoor (which ranked Data Scientist at the top of their Best Jobs in America list for 3 years in a row), show similar numbers and also tag data science as more than a trend.

In order to better serve customers that are increasingly empowered and informed, companies are shifting their strategies to become more personally engaging. They want to speak to their customers directly, with personalized experiences and unique, custom offerings that builds brand trust. To achieve this, companies need data in order to gain the right insights that can inform their choices and tactics. Therefore, there is a great deal of value in someone who can capture that data accurately and analyze it for optimal results.

Another contributing factor to the increasing demand for data scientists, is the rise of the aforementioned Machine Learning and AI. The management and deciphering of data are integral elements to Machine Learning. As it becomes more prevalent, so do the jobs required to utilize and maintain it. As a result, anyone who advances their skills with regards to data science and, by extension, Machine Learning, will have a wide array of opportunities available to them throughout the technology sector.

Skills that employers are looking for in data scientists include Python, data mining, and data analysis, as well as Machine Learning. Much like Cybersecurity, though not with the same severity, there is a gap between the demand for Data Scientists and the supply. Despite recent graduates in disciplines such as Computer Science and Statistics, colleges and universities struggle to find qualified faculty to prepare students for up-to-date technological needs. Those seeking to take advantage of the numerous opportunities for Data Scientists often find their training elsewhere, leading them to careers they can continue to build upon.



Cloud Computing

Up and Away

What do Machine Learning, Cybersecurity, and Data Science all have in common? They work in the Cloud. The need for Cloud Architects, and other forms of cloud expertise, continues to rise as technology becomes more dependant on Cloud Computing. Being familiar with the Cloud is increasingly at the core of working with multiple forms of software. While being specifically focused on the Cloud brings its own job opportunities, even passing knowledge on the Cloud can enhance a career in nearly any field.

Cloud Computing professionals can expect a median salary of $146,350, and there are well over 100,000 open positions available worldwide. By 2021, the Cloud Services industry will be a $300 billion business. These numbers will not diminish anytime soon, especially as employers scramble to secure talent for these jobs. Companies like Oracle, Amazon, IBM, Google, and Microsoft are all on a consistent search for professionals to fill these gaps.

It should come as no surprise that LinkedIn lists cloud computing as the #1 most sought after skill in 2019. Understanding how cloud computing works within networking or Amazon Web Services (AWS), is a highlight on any resume. Additionally, job listings that included AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure rose by 101% during the past 3 years. As public cloud adoption continues to become the standard, these skills will increase in relevancy.

Experience with cloud computing is beneficial to everyone working with software of any kind. As the cloud embeds itself into the present and shapes the future, knowing how to utilize the cloud successfully will easily lead to job assurance and satisfaction.



DevOps Engineer

Bringing Everything Together

DevOps Engineering is less a job position and more a philosophy that has been heartily embraced across the board. Yet, ‘DevOps Engineer’ is steadily becoming mainstream as the work strategy it represents becomes more popular. Companies see the advantages of capitalizing on a process that results in efficiency, collaboration, and high quality.

Glassdoor ranked DevOps engineers #6 on their Best Jobs in America list, with the only tech job surpassing it being Data Scientist (as mentioned above). The number of job postings searching for DevOps professionals increased by 106% over the past few years, with thousands of openings being added to the job boards annually.

The median salary for a DevOps engineer is $133,378, with 60% of hiring managers across the country actively looking to fill DevOps positions. The ability to bring both development and IT teams together and work in tandem, is clearly lucrative. DevOps professionals find the gaps between those two areas, increasing productivity and, inevitably, revenue.

DevOps engineers are also able to deliver software and security updates in a timely manner. They stay flexible, adapting to changes and challenges in real time, and solving complex problems in order to keep production on track. They’re adept at seeing the big picture and their knowledge covers a wide range of skills, such as Python, AWS, Kubernetes, Cybersecurity, testing, and more. Gathering the tools needed to navigate the nuances of a DevOps career is no small undertaking, but well worth it in the end.



Moving Forward

Finding the Path That's Right for You

The jobs listed above require many overlapping skills. Studying Cloud Computing also prepares you for a career in Cybersecurity or DevOps. Learning about security can make A.I. software stronger. Conquering Python enhances your DevOps and Cloud Architecture skills. An investment in knowing more about just one of these areas, opens doors for all of them.

Expert training is right around the corner. INE offers courses that can prepare you for any of these career paths and more. From introductory basics, to advanced mastery, our instructors guide students through every level with clarity and ease. Whatever your goals are, INE has a path prepared for you to reach them. It’s up to you to take the first step.


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