Featured Success Story: R ...
12 April 19

Featured Success Story: Ross Hunt on How INE Helped Him Obtain His CCIE!

Posted byINE

Our student, Ross Hunt, recently obtained his CCIE in Routing and Switching after attending our CCIE R&S Bootcamp. We love hearing about students success's and love sharing them even more! Wondering if an INE Bootcamp could help you reach your CCIE goals? Read Ross's testimonial to learn what to expect when you take a bootcamp with us.

What goal did you have going into your training journey?

The aim was to pass my CCIE. It was something I wanted to do but wasn't confident I would be able to achieve. The INE package as a whole was amazing. The video series by Brian and the Workbook gave me everything I needed to improve my skillset, then the bootcamp gave me the confidence to go and take the exam. Rohit was an awesome instructor. He gave me confidence and his teaching style helped me get ready for the lab. He offered advice on how best to prepare, and what I should and shouldn't do, and using his advice I went and passed the Lab.

What was your favorite aspect of the Bootcamp experience?

Amsterdam was nice. Rohit created on the spot labs each day that were designed to test everything we knew. I found it really engaging which kept my brain working constantly. It meant the lessons where never boring and I never once found myself losing focus or drifting out of the lesson. It's probably the first course I have taken where I can say that.

What is something you wish you had known prior to starting your training journey?

I guess just how much of an emotional roller-coaster doing a CCIE is. It mess's with your mind, I was like the weird guy out of the shining by the end.

What's next for you?

I think for me I have 2 goals now. First, now that my CCIE is done I need to get on the automation bandwagon and start learning some of the Cisco DEVNET stuff, up my Python and Ansible skills to prepare for the future. Second, I would also like to earn a second CCIE in security. I have already started on both with the intent of being competent at automation in a year and having passed my CCIE security in 2 years.


So what are you waiting for? Grab your seat by visiting our bootcamps site.


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