5 Things They Don’t Tell ...
22 November 22

5 Things They Don’t Tell You About Training a Team

Posted byINE

Benjamin Franklin once said “an investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” Nearly 300 years later, those words still remain true.

Choosing to invest in your team is one of the best decisions you can make for your business and your employees. Acknowledging your organization as a community first, commodity second, allows your business to expertly navigate the growth and necessary changes for longevity, prosperity, and much more.

Below, we’ve compiled a list of five examples of how quality training can empower your team to take their goals, and yours, to the next level.

It Saves Money
A properly trained team works efficiently, making the most of their time. The ability to stay on, or ahead of, schedule also affects your ability to stay on budget. Trained employees spend less time troubleshooting and more time working productively, developing solutions that drive revenue. Your management team can also surmise more accurate time estimates, as you are able to establish increasingly consistent workflows.

Another area where your organization can benefit financially is by eliminating the need to outsource work. When you have workers in-house who can navigate complex projects using the variety of tools and skills they require, there is no need to look elsewhere.

It’s Empowering
Confidence is a great conductor of productivity and quality. Employees who believe in their own abilities are more enthusiastic, effective, and reliable. Internal training provides clarity and encouragement, which increases individual motivation and team optimism. By empowering your employees to do their best work, you foster a genuine community that people want to be a part of.

In addition, quality training can empower your team to set and achieve goals. Providing the resources your employees need to improve upon their work and careers produces a ripple effect that leads to progress for everyone.

It Boosts Retention
Internal training also fosters loyalty from employees who appreciate a company that believes in them, significantly reducing turnover. The costs of recruiting, hiring, and on-boarding can be steep.

According to the Society for Human Resource Management, nearly 50% of an employee’s salary can be spent during the turnover process, with some jobs costing nearly double the salary to fill. By increasing employee retention, organizations stand to save anywhere from  hundreds to thousands of dollars, making the amount spent on training programs a fraction of their spending.

It Improves Communication
An engaging training program gets the conversation going amongst your team. It provides a launching pad for open discussion on new technologies, ideas, and innovations. In a learning culture, questions are encouraged, curiosity is valued, and discovery becomes a consistent occurrence.

With these discussions and the real-world application scenarios available through training, your team can better understand why these new technologies are needed and how they will directly affect the work in progress. There can also be a deeper appreciation for what has already been accomplished, as well as existing goals. Knowing where you’ve been as an individual or as a team can often make the path forward clearer.

It’s The Key to Success
Training programs establish a genuine sense of unity within a team and throughout a company. Shared goals and experiences form bonds that strengthen the work process. Acquired knowledge increases innovation, as team members learn about new technology and solutions which can provide different pathways to success.

The training process also offers a bridge between multiple departments, bringing people together to work and grow as a unit. Having a diverse group of employees at the table benefits everyone by expanding the learning experience. Each department has something unique to contribute and while teams train together, they naturally share their strengths with each other. As a result, the training process becomes more than just a time to learn a new skill. It’s an opportunity for co-workers to teach each other and gain more insight on how others contribute.

Now that we’ve explored the variety of ways team training enhances your organization, it’s important to consider your goals and values. The right training program can (and should) embed these core beliefs and objectives into your company’s daily routines.

To learn more about how INE’s Business Platform can help meet your organization and team’s needs, check out our website for more information. You can also sign up for a free trial, giving your team instant access to our comprehensive suite of Cyber Security, Networking, Cloud, and Data Science content as well as our analytics dashboard, guided learning paths, 23,000+ course videos, and more.

About INE
INE is the premier provider of technical training for the IT industry. INE is revolutionizing the digital learning industry through the implementation of adaptive technologies and a proven method of hands-on training experiences. Our portfolio of training is built for all levels of technical learning, specializing in advanced networking technologies, next generation security and infrastructure programming and development. Want to talk to a training advisor about our course offerings and training plans? Give us a call at 877-224-8987 or email us at

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