    4 New Cisco SD-WAN Course ...
    18 February 20

    4 New Cisco SD-WAN Courses Now Available

    Posted byINE

    Work through an in-depth journey with SD-WAN. Introduction of Cisco's SD-WAN Solution, Designing a Cisco SD-WAN Solution, Implementing a Cisco SD-WAN Solution, and Optimizing a Cisco SD-WAN Solution, takes you through each segment, covering the details that matter most.

    All four courses are led by Erebos Virgilio Vargas, INE's newest expert Instructor. Virgilio spent nearly 10 years working as both a Senior Routing Specialist and Network Consulting Engineer at Cisco, and is an expert in Software-Defined Networking. 

    Introduction to Cisco's SD-WAN Solution

    SD-WAN is a substantial technology advancement in the WAN edge. It's more than just a new protocol, it's smart architecture that uses a centralized orchestrator to intelligently send traffic across the WAN. Thanks to the massive worldwide adoption, SD-WAN is now a global billion-dollar business.

    Traditional WANs are based on legacy protocols that are slow, inflexible, and require individual management. SD-WAN monitors applications and resources at the WAN edge and adapts to network conditions when they're degraded.

    In this course you will learn about the roots of SD-WAN (Software Defined Networks), then examine the history of Viptela and how it became Cisco's SD-WAN. Cisco is not the only vendor offering SD-WAN. We'll examine how Cisco compares to other vendors and will review the recent market status of SD-WAN using Gartner's Magic Quadrant.

    Designing a Cisco SD-WAN Solution

    Planning and design must take place before a successful implementation of SD-WAN. The first place to start is with Cisco's official documentation, such as Cisco's Validated Design (CVD), some of which are must-reads to understand and deploy SD-WAN.

    Designing an SD-WAN solution involves understanding the business requirements and triggers, as well as knowing why customers and clients move to SD-WAN. Enterprises must take into consideration not only the technological factors for design, but also costs and integration with the existing network. It's important to examine how SD-WAN fits into any environment and existing solutions, and what makes it better than its predecessors.

    In this course, you will dive deep into the core of the SD-WAN Architecture and its four different planes. You'll examine what makes up the Orchestration Plane, the vBond, and the different types of NAT options. You will also look into the Control Plane, vSmart, and the different controller's deployment models. Finally, you'll review how the vManage NMS works and how it controls the rest of the components.

    Implementing a Cisco SD-WAN Solution

    Once you understand the foundation of the architectural design of SD-WAN, it's time to focus on WAN Edge deployment.

    In this course, you'll learn how to establish Fabric Overlay. The first step is to establish the control plane. You will see how to manage Control Plane Whitelisting and the mutual trust model between the different SD-WAN elements. The second step is to bring up the Data Plane. This process requires Data Plane Whitelisting, establishment authentication, privacy, and encryption. SD-WAN has a native robust security solution comprised of protocols such as IPSec, DTLS, and Certificates.

    You'll also learn how authentication and encryption operate to secure the Control and Data Plane. The OMP protocol is key in SD-WAN and you'll understand how it functions, its route advertisement, and the best path algorithm. Lastly, you'll review the sequence of events for bringing vEdge into the Overlay, the bootstrapping process, ZTP, and PnP.

    Optimizing a Cisco SD-WAN Solution

    Once the Fabric Overlay is set up, you can register vEdge devices. In this course, you'll configure these devices using a series of policies that must agree in settings such as Port Numbering, System IP, SiteID, SiteType, Interfaces, and VPNs (including Management Transport and Service VPNs).

    SD-WAN comes with several high availability protocols such as VRRP, OSPF, and BGP. You will learn how to influence traffic from LAN to WAN and WAN to LAN directions to achieve traffic symmetry. You'll also examine the steps for a legacy network migration, what's required for SD-WAN to coexist with legacy networks, and review some migration examples.

    At the core of configuration, Policies and Templates define how devices work. You'll cover the configuration, device templates, and configuration parameters. You'll also examine the policy architecture components, such as what centralized and localized policies SD-WAN allows through the use of Localized Policies and the configurations of QoS, including LLQ Policies. Finally, with the use of centralized policies, you'll explore per-segment topologies and how application-aware routing works.


    There's so much to learn! Get at it! Sign in with your All Access Pass now!

                                              Introduction                                                   Designing 

                                        {{cta('3bd09081-3845-44aa-bdd6-1d71f22e7cfa')}}                                       {{cta('dbfe5211-c4db-48e4-92a5-eb7e29fe80c8')}}


                                           Implementing                                                  Optimizing

                                        {{cta('f7a67a54-e90e-4e9e-89be-bb67afad955e')}}                                       {{cta('a76fbc05-c24c-4ffc-b2f7-dfe32cbaa72b')}}



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