Cyber Security Capture th ...
09 January 23

Cyber Security Capture the Flag (CTF) Labs

Posted byNishant Sharma, Lab Platform Director

INE is excited to present a one of a kind hands-on Capture the Flag (CTF) lab experience. 

The Capture the Flag term is taken from military games where the soldiers are supposed to retrieve a physical flag in order to complete an objective. 

In Cybersecurity, Capture the Flag mainly consists of challenges that involve finding and exploiting vulnerabilities in computer systems or networks in order to complete the objectives. CTF exercises are one of the most popular ways in the community to learn and test the skills.

In INE newest CTF lab experience, the student acts as an attacker, targeting the infrastructure provided in the lab environment. The student can use the tools and techniques to compromise the system and look for valuable information (or a flag). After the user completes the objective, he can submit the flag to the automated checking mechanism. This way, the student is able to assess their skills and learn new things in a gamified approach.

This path offers 1900+ unique, real-world lab scenarios on topics spanning from recon, exploitation, post-exploitation, data exfiltration, web applications, traffic analysis, CVEs, network components, infrastructure attacks, privilege escalation, forensics, firmware analysis, reversing, secure coding, IoT networks, Metasploit, Python for infosec and many others.

Check out the Cyber Security Capture the Flag learning path here.

This content is part of INE's new Lab Experience. Learn more about INE’s new Lab Experience platform here to get exclusive access to the world's best lab experience. 

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INE Learning Path areas include:

  • Capture the Flag
  • Blue Team
  • Windows Security
  • Linux Security
  • WebApp Pentesting Basics
  • DevSecOps
  • Container Security
  • Cloud Security
  • Advanced Priv-Esc
  • Advanced Exercises
  • Reverse Engineering
  • Forensics
  • WiFi Security
  • IoT Security
  • Offensive Python
  • Password Cracking
  • And other areas

Hundreds of new labs are currently in development and will be added as they become available.

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