We've Added a CCIE Security v5 Technology Course to Our Video Library!
Check out our latest edition to the INE Library - CCIE Security v5 Technologies: IKEv1 IPsec VPN. This is the latest installment of our CCIE Security v5 technologies series, and focuses on Internet Key Exchange version 1 (IKEv1), Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) and related topics.
About this Course:
This course is taught by Piotr Kaluzny and is 2 hours and 27 minutes long. This course is part of a thirty video series covering the CCIE Security v5 Blueprint.
What You'll Learn:
The course starts with a discussion of basic VPN concepts, followed by a detailed overview of the protocols and hands-on demonstrations. This course also serves as an introduction to more advanced VPN technologies, such as DMVPN or GETVPN.
You can view this course by visiting our streaming site or by purchasing the course at ine.com.