09 May 18
We've Added a CCIE Security v5.0 Lab Exam Review to Our Video Library!
Posted byINE
Prepare to pass your CCIE Security v5 Lab Exam with confidence. Join 5-time CCIE, Rohit Pardasani, for 20+ hours of intensive, hands-on training that will set you up for success.
Why You Should Watch
Not only will you refine your skills and expand your knowledge of the blueprint technologies, you will also learn to change the way you think about problems and how to derive solutions. In addition to helping you pass your exam, this course gives you real-world practical knowledge to carry you past the CCIE lab and into everyday applications that you'll use as a CCIE in the field.
Course Details
This course is taught by Rohit Pardasani and is 22 hours and 35 minutes long. You can view the course on our streaming site, or purchase it at ine.com.