We've Added a New AWS Big ...
25 April 18

We've Added a New AWS Big Data Course to Our Video Library!

Posted byMarvin Collier

Cloud service providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS) are leading the way to cloud adoption across all industries, changing the way organizations interact with their data. Board rooms already know they need to move to the cloud so it's important to understand the how's and the why's of your cloud journey. AWS has built and made available powerful tools and services to support the most demanding big data workloads. You no longer need to be a data scientist to take advantage of complex data analytics tools, as AWS has made these tools within reach both from a technical and cost perspective to the masses.

Why You Should Watch:

If you’d like to learn how to minimize the complexity of big data pipelines, this course is for you.
Growing your skills in big data and analytics positions you to help fill the massive skills gap that exist for this high wage in-demand job sector.

What You'll Learn:


The AWS Certified Big Data Specialty course is designed to give students a solid foundation of AWS Services related to a big data pipeline. The hands-on exercises in this course demonstrates the speed of innovation that can be gained using the AWS Cloud services. Fast is the name of the game, there is value in fast delivery of experimentation, innovation, insights. Students will learn how to quickly get started using AWS services that enable you to get answers from your data fast.

In the course, we look at various AWS services used to collect data, which varies depending on the type, size and frequency of the data with services such as Amazon Kinesis, AWS IoT, and Amazon Data Pipeline. We examine the data storage options that are available in AWS to store data in a reliable, resilient, secure and low-cost manner with tools such as S3, DynamoDB, and ElastiCache. We do a deep dive into data processing and analysis with Hadoop on Amazon EMR, Redshift data warehouse and Amazon Athena for interactive analytics, Amazon ML for embedding batch and real-time machine learning into the data pipeline. We’ll learn how to quickly and easily tell compelling stories with data using AWS's data visualization tool Amazon QuickSight. Finally, we identify how to secure our data at rest and in transit throughout the big data pipeline using data encryption options and methods.

You can watch Marvin's AWS Big Data Course here.


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