INE's CCIE DCv2 Topology & Content Updates
Now that Cisco Live US 2016 is winding down, we're going full steam ahead with our CCIE Data Center version 2.0 Blueprint updates. For those of you that haven't seen it, my live blog of the CCIE DCv2 Techtorial @ Cisco Live US 2016 can help to answer some additional questions about the exam content and format changes.
Some important upcoming dates in the short term are:
- July 18th - 24th - DCv2 Bootcamp in Washington DC
- July 25th - CCIE DCv2 Written & Lab Exams Go Live
- August 1st - 5th - Online DCv2 Transition Technologies
- August 8th - 14th - DCv2 Bootcamp in Chicago
- August 15th - 21st - DCv2 Bootcamp in RTP
For those of you that have already spent time working on the DCv1 blueprint and are transitioning to DCv2, I would highly recommend to check out the online class the week of August 1st. I'll mainly be focusing on the technologies that changed in the blueprint, such as Nexus 9k, ACI, BGP EVPN signaled VxLAN, etc.
Additionally, our new class and rack rental topology has been finalized. Some of the key topology changes are as follows:
- Nexus 9K 9336PQ ACI Spines
- Nexus 9K 9372PX-E ACI Leafs
- APIC-M2 ACI Controllers
- Nexus 7K supervisors ugraded to SUP 2E's
- Nexus 7K linecards upgraded to F348XP-25's
- Nexus 5K's upgraded to 5672UP's
- Nexus 2K's upgraded to 2348UPQ's
Visual topology diagrams for these changes can be seen below. Click the images for high-res versions.
Rack rentals are currently in beta until further notice. The scheduler shows all sessions booked, but I am taking beta testing requests directly if you email me at