    New CCIE RSv5 Workbook La ...
    16 December 14

    New CCIE RSv5 Workbook Labs & Enhancements

    Posted byBrian McGahan

    Foundation Lab 2 has now been added to the CCIE RSv5 Workbook.  This lab is great for working on your configuration speed and accuracy when combining multiple technologies together.  It also has a great redistribution section that I hope you'll all enjoy ;)  More Full Scale, Troubleshooting, and Foundation labs are in progress and will be posted soon.  I'll post another update about them when they are available.

    In addition to this we've added some feature enhancements to the workbook in response to customer requests and feedback.  First, there is a new Table of Contents for the workbook that allows you to view all tasks, and to check off tasks that you've already completed.  This will help you track your progress as you're going through the workbook.

    You can additionally check off the progress of a task in the upper right hand portion of the individual lab page.

    Multiple bookmarks are now supported, and will be added to a section under the Table of Contents.  When you open the workbook it will now also prompt you to load your latest bookmark.

    Lastly, configuration solutions are now hidden by default when you open a lab.  This will help prevent "spoilers" in the config before you've had a chance to attempt the lab.  To see the solution configs, click the Expand button as seen below.

    If you want to hide the configuration solution again you can click to collapse.

    We're always looking for additional ways to improve our products, so if you have any suggestions you can submit feedback through the workbook labs themselves, post on our Online Community, or feel free to send me an email directly at

    Happy labbing!

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