    Update for CCIE Collabora ...
    13 January 14

    Update for CCIE Collaboration

    Posted byMark Snow

    We've been putting a lot of time into development for quite a while now on the new CCIE Collaboration blueprint and wanted to share with you a few updates. If you've taken a look at the blueprint anytime recently, you know that there is quite a lot of material to be covered, and that a simple 5-day class would never suffice. So we've put together a new class that is extremely thorough, spanning a 10-day period, and we wanted to share with you the updated outline for the class structure as well as a sample class topology and list of equipment that we will be using, since many of you have been emailing and asking in our forums about what to buy in order to host your own rack.

    CCIE Collaboration 10-Day Bootcamp Dates, Locations and Outline

    Sample Classroom Diagram

    Sample Equipment List

    Keep watching for more updates as we get closer to releasing new material.

    UPDATE: Current customers that have the All Access Pass can already view two 4-hour classes that will assist with a few of the subjects. The first related to a (now outdated by GDPR, but still on the exam) technology known as CCD over SAF and also a CAC mechanism known as SIP Preconditions. The second - while not tested on the lab per-se (students have no access to UCS C-Series CIMC), but certainly covered in-depth on the written exam - is UC on UCS.

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