Rack Rental Scheduling En ...
15 April 13

Rack Rental Scheduling Enhancement

Posted byINE

I've had a major enhancement added to the rack rentals that many people have wanted for a long time. Starting late next week we will move away from the standard start times and fixed session lengths for the rack rentals and allow sessions to be started anytime and run for any length of time. There will be a minimum of a one hour session length but other than that there are no restrictions.

This means for example if you want to start a session at 9:30am (your local time) and run for 4 hours you can do that. If you want a session to start at 5:00pm (your local time) and go for 7 hours you can. Also the longer your session is the cheaper it will be. We will even allow for sessions running days or weeks at a time which will really drop the price.

The first phase of this enhancement is already in place. This first phase allows you to start your session anytime. You do not need to wait for the next slot to start. The remaining time in the current slot will be prorated and you can either just use the remaining time for your rental or add it to the following session for a longer rental.

Below is a session I rented showing that the session was prorated down to 9 tokens from 12 to account for only having a little over 2 hours left on the session when I scheduled it.

The second phase which will become active next week will totally remove the concept of fixed start times and session lengths by allowing you to determine your own start time and session length days, weeks or even months ahead of time.

Also just to steal Brian McGahan's thunder for his blog post tomorrow the DC workbooks and racks will be available Monday or Tuesday ;-)

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