INE's 2012 CCIE Routing & ...
30 April 12

INE's 2012 CCIE Routing & Switching and CCIE Voice Scholarships

Posted byINE

I'm very proud to announce that once again INE will be awarding CCIE scholarships. We will be awarding 8 CCIE R&S scholarships and 2 CCIE Voice scholarships. The R&S scholarships will be awarded one per region: Africa, Asia, Canada, Europe, Middle East, North America (US/Mexico), Oceanic (Australia) and South America. The CCIE Voice scholarships will be awarded globally. Each scholarship includes:

  • 2 Year All Access Pass (access to all of our videos)
  • 1500 Tokens for Rack Rentals or Mock Labs Exams
  • CCIE Lab Exam Voucher (value $1500 to $1800)
  • Complete Set of CCIE Workbooks
  • Live Onsite 10-Day Bootcamp Seat

In addition to the 10 scholarships that INE is awarding I'm going to personally award 8 more that I will pay for out of my own pocket (basically the CCIE lab exam vouchers worth at least $12,000). Some people in the industry like to talk about helping others but I'm going to put my money where my mouth is ;-) This means there will be a total of 18 CCIE scholarships given away in 2012 by INE worth nearly $250,000.

Since INE has been so successful over the years helping people become CCIE's and making INC 5000's list of Fastest Growing Educational companies last year and will again this year, it's vitally important that we give back to the community that has continued to make INE the leading CCIE training company in the industry. It's important for any company in the education business to always balance growing the business with helping people and that's why we are giving back. We try to pass on part of that success by offering free training (CCNA Voice, CCNA R&S, etc), free customized polo shirts when you pass the lab, keeping our pricing low and by offering these scholarships.

To apply for the scholarship you can use the link below:

Good Luck!

Brian Dennis, CCIEx5 #2210 (R&S/ISP-Dial/Security/SP/Voice)

Internetwork Expert, Inc.

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