CCIE SPv3 Lab Workbook Pre-Release Now Available!
INE is proud to announce that our long awaited CCIE Service Provider Lab Workbook Version 3.0 is now available! The initial pre-release of the workbook contains over 500 pages of technology focused labs to help you prepare for Cisco’s newest CCIE Service Provider Lab Exam. Similar to other “rough cut” books, the pre-release of the workbook is for students that want to begin work on their hands-on preparation for the lab exam without further delay. Over the next few weeks the workbook will be updated to include more technology labs, along with the full scale labs. The workbook includes a GNS3/Dynamips .net file that is compatible with the topology, and rack rentals that include IOS XR will be available soon. A sample of the workbook can be found here.
INE’s CCIE Service Provider Lab Workbook Version 3.0 is broken down into two main sections , Advanced Technologies Labs and Full Scale Labs. The first workbook section, the Advanced Technologies Labs, is the hands on practice companion to INE’s CCIE Service Provider Advanced Technologies Class Version 3.0. This section consists of hands-on, individually-focused, advanced technology labs that present topics in an easy to follow, goal-oriented step-by-step approach. The purpose of this section is to isolate each topic on its own so that you are able to see firsthand the various ways to configure each technology. By understanding these fundamental technologies, you will then be able to predict advanced and sometimes subtle interactions when configuring multiple technologies together. The second workbook section, Full Scale Labs, consists of 8-hour lab scenarios that are designed to simulate the actual CCIE Service Provider Lab Exam, and at the same time illustrate the principles behind the technologies that it covers.
The recommended approach for using this workbook is as follows:
- Watch the videos in the CCIE SPv3 Advanced Technologies Class
- Follow the recommended readings from class, including the Cisco Documentation
- Configure the associated labs in the Advanced Technologies Labs section
- Revisit the videos and readings for further clarification
- Configure the labs in the Full Scale Labs section
- Take and pass the CCIE SPv3 Lab Exam!
The physical topology for INE’s CCIE Service Provider Lab Workbook Version 3.0 uses 10 routers and 2 switches, which include a mix of 7200s, 2600s, XR 12000s, Catalyst ME3400s, and Catalyst 3550s. This topology has the flexibility to mimic the requirements of Cisco’s actual CCIE Service Provider Version 3.0 hardware blueprint, while still minimizing the cost for users building their own lab at home or work, and allowing for users to run the regular IOS portion of the topology in GNS3/Dynamips.
Specifically the platforms used in the development of this workbook are as follows:
Physical wiring for the topology is as follows: