    Content Delivery Survey: ...
    07 March 12

    Content Delivery Survey: How Do You Learn Best?

    Posted byBrian McGahan

    At INE we're always looking for ways to improve our offerings, with the ultimate goal of helping you - our customers - learn new technologies in the fastest in most efficient way possible.  Over the past year we've nearly finalized our migration from Flash based video delivery to our new HTML5 streaming and download formats, which allowed us to offer enhancements such as cross-platform support (e.g. Apple iOS, Android, etc.), bookmarking and notation of videos, and searchable text transcripts.  We've gotten a lot of good feedback as to these changes and are so far very happy with the results.

    With a number of new upcoming product releases, one of the most notable being our new CCIE Service Provider Version 3.0 Lab Workbook, I'd like to pose a question to our customer base: how do you learn best?  Some delivery formats, such as streaming video, work best for some learners, while others prefer more traditional methods like printed books.  Please spend a moment to take the poll below and comment on what works and doesn't work for you in your studies.  This will help us better understand how we can enhance our offerings in the future.


    [poll id="50"]

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