Congratulations To a New ...
28 December 11

Congratulations To a New Generation of CCIEs!

Posted byMark Snow

Here is another small sampling those of you who have written in to tell us how our products helped you succeed, after having passed your CCIE Lab in the past couple of months.

Don't look, but there is an unprecedented Buy-One, Get-One FREE Bootcamp Seat offer here. But it's only around until Dec 31. These are the same Route/Switch, Voice and Security bootcamps that many of these successful people below used in helping them to attain their CCIE number.

The road to both my CCIE Security (Passed on Oct. 8, 2009) & Voice (Passed on Sept. 26, 2011) were the greatest hurdles but at the same time the topmost achievements of my life so far but I didn't do it alone. I have partnered with the expert and the best study mate that every CCIE aspirants should meet, the INE.

This dream of mine started 5 years ago when I was still at Uni. They say, the secret to success is visualizing your dream and at the same time working hard on your visions. I did the two. I mapped a 3 to 5 year career plan for myself. Financial resources was the greatest challenge, unlike others who can afford to study full time, I have to work to pay for my exam fees, study hard and sacrificed a lot of things to achieve these goals.

I started with my CCIE in security 3 years ago which means I have been in a "relationship" with INE since then. Everything that I need to know from the workbooks, walk throughs and rack rentals. I even got some good points on how to motivate myself when I failed for the 1st time on my exams. I can say that I passed the 2 exams but not on the first takes by heart. I fully understood the technologies, the techniques and confidently can say that I am a true CCIE professional and a big chunk of this success is attributed to INE.

Unsolicited advice for those who are aiming high on these fields just like me before, put your heart on your dream, visualize it, claim it, work hardest on it, sacrifice if you must and most of all, partner yourself with the best and the expert, INE.

Good luck and may your story be the next on this site.

-Rejohn Ronald A. Cuares CCIE# 25647


The Voice training materials was wonderful, it is an easy way to understand the different technologies in short time, it was always attract me to continue and jump from one chapter to another, I always kept as my first reference in my library

-Ahmed Zaky CCIE# 33090


Thank You INE.....I Cleared my CCIE Security LAB on 8th December 2011..INE Workbooks gives a right guidance & direction to achieve this milestone ... I found INE materials had that perfect balance of doing just that...The workbooks really helped me to have a deeper understanding of the various technologies...I would strongly recommend INE Workbooks to those who are really Serious about BEING A CCIE...:)

-Pramod Shrikant Kamat CCIE# 32635


Big thanks to INE for their superb workbooks and study materials. I passed my RS lab exam on the 1st attempt thanks to INE workbooks and online community. I began studying about 2 years ago and am soooo glad to be done! Back to my social life!

-Matthew McCool CCIE# 32885


Hi All,

I cleared my CCIE in first attempt on 7th December 2011. After the hard work of around 14 months, I was able to clear it. I used INE online racks to practice all the labs as well as different scenarios. Online racks are very user friendly due to great Web based rack Access system available with INE. Also it is very easy to Save the Config and retrieve the config due to this web based Rack Access System. In addition to that INE Blogs were very helpful for me. INE blogs are very simple and clear for some of the topics which are very difficult to understand only by using the Cisco Doc CD.

-Sandaka Ranatunga CCIE# 32555


After 18 months of intense studying with bootcamps and INE workbooks on my own home rack, i finally passed CCIE R&S. INE Vol1 and Vol2 were key to my success.
Thanks to INE!

-Philipp Neidlein CCIE# 32305


I am very delighted to say that I have finally cleared CCIE (R&S). I am grateful to Almighty God, my family and friends for their unwavering support over the past one year. I am glad that I came across INE Resources during this journey, which truly helped me to achieve my Dream Digits (32160). It's been a fun and good experience..! as I achieved what I dreamt. Achieving it has finally relieved me as now, I get to do so many things which were least priority some time before. Hanging out with family, is one of them ;)

CCIE is something every network person can achieve but, he has to have the will to dream & urge to own it. And, yes giving your time & effort to your new professional lady CCIE and adjusting on the personal one will help you achieve it. I am sooo happy to thank INE and it's directions with added hours of studying; which helped me to finally achieve my CCIE R&S.

CCIE# 32160 belongs to me..! ;)

Thanks a ton.....!!!!!!

-Chandrakant Rai CCIE# 32160


INE really played an amazing role in getting my CCIE Voice number. When I first started my studies I bought CCIE Deep Dive and went through each one step by step. I figured out how much these videos are organized in a way that makes you confident when the big day comes and really makes you an Expert in the real world. I spend huge time experience all kinds of technologies and solutions for passing my exam. Mark Snow techniques and strategy helped me a lot in enhancing my knowledge and provided me with the proper guides for attacking the exam. I would strongly recommend INE CCIE Voice Deep Dive Videos for serious people who really want to pass the CCIE Voice exam and become an expert in VoIP Technology. The Videos display the technology and how we deal with it from different aspects. It's like you don't have to worry about what the next step is to do, it just shows you the road for having the solution in a very useful way...Thanks Alot

-Amr Sherif CCIE# 29193


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