Cisco Now Offers Mobile C ...
11 October 11

Cisco Now Offers Mobile CCIE Voice Labs

Posted byMark Snow

As we first reported to you back in July, Cisco was planning on expanding their offering of Mobile CCIE Labs to the Voice track as well. We've been talking with the team, and we knew this was just around the corner from being announced, but today Cisco finally made it official and announced that they have completed the necessary arrangements to bring the Voice track into the current Mobile CCIE Lab offerings.

At a brief glance, we can see that they are offering the CCIE Voice lab at the following dates and locations:

  • Seoul, South Korea -- Nov 7 - 11, 2011
  • Toronto, Canada -- Nov 14 - 18, 2011
  • Mexico City, Mexico -- Jan 9 - 13, 2012
  • Buenos Aires, Argentina -- Mar 5 - 9, 2012
  • Seoul, South Korea -- Mar 19 - 23, 2012
  • Mexico City, Mexico -- Apr 2 - 6, 2012

These mobile sites add to the permanent locations that you are already able to take the CCIE Voice lab, which include:

A few things this might mean to you --whether you are taking it at a mobile or fixed lab location-- is that you can expect:

  • Not to have any more printed lab booklets in the ol' traditional 3-ring binder, but instead can expect to have all lab materials in a digital, PDF-like format, using Cisco's custom "Lab Delivery System'
  • Most of your exam is now being graded by Cisco custom scripted grading engine (this is a good thing as it makes for less human-grading errors - such as dialing the wrong number and marking you off on it)

Finally, a complete list of all tracks' mobile testing locations and dates can be found here.

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