New CCIE Security Advanced Technologies Class Videos Posted
An additional 7 hours of videos have been added to the CCIE Security Advanced Technologies Class, and are now available in streaming format for All Access Pass subscribers, and for download. Specifically these videos include:
- Zone Based Policy Firewall Overview - 0h 26m
- Zone Based Policy Firewall Configuration - 0h 44m
- ZBPF Self Zone & ZBPF Exceptions - 0h 48m
- Port to Application Mapping (PAM) - 0h 32m
- ZBPF Parameter Tuning - 0h 32m
- ZBPF Application Inspection - 0h 27m
- IOS Transparent Firewall - 0h 28m
- IPsec Overview - 0h 37m
- IOS IPsec LAN-to-LAN Configuration - 0h 58m
- IPsec Troubleshooting - 0h 42m
- GRE over IPsec, IPsec Profiles, & VTIs - 0h 51m
Additional videos are currently in post-production, and will be available within the week. Other videos that are currently in production are CCNA Security, CCNP Security, and CCIE Service Provider v3.0.
Brian Dennis and I will also be running a 3 week bootcamp in Seattle WA in late October / early November for CCNA R&S, CCNP R&S, and CCIE R&S Written consecutively. More information about these live onsite classes will be available this week, but if you are interested in attending one or more of these class weeks please contact the INE sales team at