Two Things: Searchable Tr ...
01 September 11

Two Things: Searchable Transcriptions and A/V Sync Issues

Posted byMark Snow

A while back, in May, we asked you all what you thought of adding closed captioning to all of our videos, and your response - both in comments and private emails - was overwhelmingly positive. This functionality would not only provide better assistance for those with difficulty hearing, but also give everyone the incredible ability to search anywhere within any video for a particular topic or keyword that had been spoken about in the audio track, and immediately jump to that timecode spot in the video. This would every single minute of every video we have the ablility to be searched and subsequently accessed within just a few moments vs. having to watch the entire video over and over each time you wished to return to a particular spot in it for some remedial learning.

Well, you needn't wait much longer.

The above is a screenshot from our internal development site (no, you can't access it from outside, so sorry) where you can not only clearly see the closed captioning enabled on the screen, but also the complete transcript for the video below, along with the clickable timecode to the left of each line of transcript text. In this screenshot I had just clicked on the 0:01:32 timecode, which was the 4th fully visible line of transcript from the bottom. BTW, you needn't have CC turned on in the video in order to use this new click-to-jump transcript timecode - I simply had both turned on for demonstration purposes.

As you may be able to see, this will open up an entirely new world to your studying habits. And this is actually only one of the new improvements to this site that we will be rolling out in the very near future. In fact, if you can think of any new "must-have" features --specifically for our AAP streaming members site-- please, tell us in our comments section below.

So, onto the good news: We have almost 350 hours of our most recent AAP video that is currently being transcribed. This stuff takes time to do. Like imagine 10 hours to transcribe every hour of recorded video. Yeah. That much time. But the good news is - we've been on it for quite some time now (like maybe since May - when we published the initial blog post? :)). So look for it to debut sometime in the next month or two. We're really excited about it, and hope you are also.

Also, a number of you pointed out that there was an increasing synchronization issue between the audio and the video tracks of 3 of our videos on our latest CCNP Voice Course. We greatly appreciate your feedback, and have worked quickly and efficiently to resolve the problem.

The videos in particular that had the sync issue ...
Gateways Trunks and Signaling In-Depth - Part 2
Gateways Trunks and Signaling In-Depth - Part 3
Quality of Service Fundamentals - Part 2
... have all now been fixed, and have been re-uploaded to both our CDN streaming servers as well as our download servers, and are ready for your consumption.

Please, keep your helpful comments coming. We've enjoyed fielding every one of them.

We look forward to serving you and bringing you great advancements for the rest of this year, and well, well into the future.

Kind Regards,

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