Submit Your Topic Requests for the New CCIE Security & CCIE SP ATCs
As you may know I will be teaching new versions of our CCIE Security Advanced Technologies Class for Blueprint v3.0 and CCIE Service Provider Advanced Technologies Class for Blueprint v3.0 in the coming weeks. Specifically the CCIE Security Advanced Technologies Class will be running as a live online class from July 25th – July 29th 2011, with an estimated release date of August 5th 2011 for the videos. The CCIE Service Provider Advanced Technologies Class will be running as a live online class from August 29th – September 2nd 2011, with an estimated release date of September 9th 2011.
The purpose of this post is to solicit topic requests for both classes from students that will either be attending the classes live online, or watching the on-demand videos at a later date. If you have requests or suggestions please post them as a comment below. Note that in general both classes will be covering all topics that are within their respective CCIE blueprints. If you have something very specific you would like to see covered please let me know.
Also remember that Subscribers to the All Access Pass will have immediate access to the streaming videos as they become available, and can attend the live online sessions of CCIE Security ATC and CCIE Service Provider ATC at no additional charge. Seating is limited for the live class sessions, so contact as soon as possible if you are interested in attending. Download versions of each of the classes will be available for purchase as a standalone product, or as a discounted upgrade for AAP subscribers.