Congratulations Ali Jaber ...
14 April 11

Congratulations Ali Jaber, CCIE Voice #28326!

Posted byMark Snow

Congratulations to Ali Jaber, who passed the CCIE Voice Lab Exam on his first attempt!

Hi Mark,

I've cleared my ccie voice last month it was first attempt, many thx for u r help :)

Am so happy that I can share you my story as one of the expert voice people - really its a nice felling to clear such thing from first attempt, now has some time for reset and enjoying the life :p

My CCIE journey started after I have cleared my CCIE written exam on 6th of September, 2010. Nobody was known that am planning for such thing even my mom. We have Wisdom says: help yourself to clear things by making it secret I used to dedicate 4-6 hours per day for studying and making the Thursday for rest, I was focusing on INE material not cause INE is the best, actually I dont have any idea about other materials but I know INE is one of the good reputation in the market, the reason was to make myself focusing in one material and prevent my mind from desperations. I started with class on demand videos repeating it twice, first time understanding next time summarized it in notepad and practicing the scenario which the instructor did. After that I went through the workbooks doing the scenarios, two weeks before the exam I have practiced on time management taking one scenario and trying to finalize each section at committed time. 3 days before the exam I didnt do anything I was going with my IT friends for playing cards and having some fun..!!!!!! This is make me more relax. All of them were shocked when they saw my facebook status CCIE # 28326 I have cleared my CCIE on 7th of march, 2011 it was my first attempt and dont have such experience to advise you but Ill tell you some tips that I see it may can help: - Regardless the material you are using, master it and dont try to look at others. - Make thing secret so less stress less mistakes. - Practicing for time management is one of the most important things, for CCIE voice there some common sections (infrastructure, phone registration, GW PSTN integration) you have to make it as fast as you can. - Having last couple of days for relaxations and fun. Hope you all the best and hope I have add something to you.

Best regards

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