Submit Your Topic Requests for the New CCIE Voice Advanced Technologies Class
As you may know, I will be the lead instructor for our New CCIE Voice Advanced Technologies Class.
The main purpose of this post is to outline the class duration and format as well as to announce that I am taking student submitted topic requests for the class. If there is something that you're having trouble understanding during your studies, or have found something that is not covered in enough depth in other classes or products, submit your requests below as a comment, or directly to me via email at
The class will run 10 days, beginning on Monday 25 April and ending on Friday 6 May (sans Sat & Sun), and will begin each day at 07:00 PDT (GMT -7) and run roughly 8 hours, though some days could may very likely run longer.
The format of the class will consist of:
- Lecture
- Some Slides
- Live Hands-On Demos
- Testing
- Intense Debugging and Trace Troubleshooting
Just as Brian McGahan stated in his post - I too have *so much* content that I am going to be covering in this 10 day class, that I don’t want to rush through any topics or skip any key points just to make the class fit into a normal template. Therefore class length will depend largely on your topic requests as well as how many questions I get from students during the class.
As we noted previously, if you have an All Access Pass subscription (either yearly or monthly) or you previously purchased either the self-paced or live version of the Voice ATC in the past you can attend the live class free of charge by contacting sales. We can only seat 50 people in this particular online course, and last I talked with our bootcamp coordinator, more than 60% of those seats were filling up - so if you want a seat, you had better not hesitate and book it now by getting in contact with sales. Even if you end up not being able to attend part or all of the online version, the recorded class-on-demand version will still be available in your members area. Obviously the nice thing about attending the live version is being able to interact in real-time with me and other peers.
I look forward to seeing you in class!