Friday's Voice vSeminar - ...
13 April 10

Friday's Voice vSeminar - Updated Time

Posted byMark Snow

We had a great response in turnout to Josh's vSeminar yesterday. Thanks to everyone who made it out, we certainly hope it was beneficial for you!

A few comments from attendees in the ET helped us realize that the next Voice vSeminar, this Friday covering Simplifying Globalization and Localization, might be best held at 4pET/1pPT, rather than the 6pET/3pPT that it was originally scheduled for. So we changed it.

So why a lecture on this topic? Well, every class that I have taught over the last few months has invariably had most students walking in with a printout of the 40+ page, 3-part series on Globalization, Localization, and Mapping the Global to Local Variant blogs that I posted here on this blog a bit back. They all seem to have the same thing to say: "Excellent post, now can you simplify it just a bit for me and can you also explain why we would want to do any of this?". So to that end - I decided to take on the task of helping you understand not only how in a much simpler way, but possibly more importantly, the why of it all.

Now while the CCIE is normally an exam based much more around the how of things, and much less about the why of things (we typically leave the why to the CCDE side of camp), then what is the reason for thinking that the why is important? The reason I submit for this is simply put that in nearly 5 years of teaching students to understand the technologies involved in any CCIE, I find that students' brains' tend to absorb (learn and truly grasp vs. simply learning) the material both more rapidly and thoroughly if they understand the reasons why one might want to implement any sort of technology vs. simply being told that the why of things are not important and that they simply need to learn the technology to pass the lab.

It's going to be a great seminar that will be sure to keep your attention, simplify this seemingly esoteric topic (it's not that esoteric by the way - that's the point of the vSeminar), as well as provide you with invaluable information for taking and much more importantly - passing the CCIE Voice Lab exam.

So again to be clear:
Who: CCIE Voice and CCVP Candidates
What: Free vSeminar on "Simplifying Globalization and Localization"
Where: You can access this vSeminar at
When: April 16, 2010 at 1:00 PM PDT - 2:00 PM PDT (4:00 PM EDT - 5:00 PM EDT)
Why: Because we all love free - don't we?
How: I'm going to present it

So, again - just to be clear:

Who: CCIE Voice and CCVP Candidates
What: Free vSeminar on "Simplifying Globalization and Localization"
Where: You can access this vSeminar at
When: April 16, 2010 at 1:00 PM PDT - 2:00 PM PDT (4:00 PM EDT - 5:00 PM EDT)
Why: Because we all love free - don't we?
How: I'm going to present it

See all you hard studiers there!

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