Congratulations to INE's ...
17 October 09

Congratulations to INE's latest success stories!

Posted byPetr Lapukhov

Hi guys,

Before we do any more technical posting, here is a list of the lucky folks (well, some of them), who got their CCIE numbers recently! Those must be the last ones who have taken the "old" CCIE blueprint. Let's hope the new lab blueprint will not be a problem for those of you who are still preparing. It's our mission to make sure it is not! ;) Now for the list and the success stories!

tough week, been testing and releasing the new updated mock labs!. Now working on the detailed usage guide for IEWB-RS VOL1, to allow people get the most use of their limited study time!

  • Martin Hogan, CCIE #25636 (R&S)
  • Ricard Badia, CCIE #25480 (R&S)
  • David Bluett, CCIE #25437 (R&S)
  • Kevin Kilpatrick, CCIE #25105 (R&S)
  • Wouter Prins, CCIE #25628 (R&S)
  • Nora Prommahachai, CCIE #25554 (R&S)
  • Anantha Subramanian Natarajan, CCIE #25652
  • Cassio Gomes, 2xCCIE #13900 (R&S/SP)
  • Chris Jones, CCIE #25655 (R&S)


Hey All,

I actually got the news less then 3 hours after my lab last Thursday, but
the celebration was ongoing :)

GS is a pretty cool resource, Darby and Nimmers from here helped me out with
a book list for final OEQ / LAB preparation and cheers to the people who
helped me out with the odd question I posted.

Like a lot of people I was fairly overwhelmed originally with Internetwork
Experts 5.0 Volume I workbooks but I worked on through it all (QOS broke my
brain, but im glad I covered it in that detail) and then reviewed when
required after seeing the scenario in a slightly different way which didn't
make sense or I got the scenario incorrect(or different) in their Volume II

Going through the Volume I workbook, reading about each of the variations
and the core technologies in the book and then on the DOCCD was a great

The extra info I got on here and on IEOC (and via the Mock Labs - if you
were thinking of doing these but aren't sure if they are worth it, do it)
from the entire INE crew was absolutely incredible, Larry Hadrava, Petr Lapukhov
(Brain busting blog posts) and the Brians (COD videos) really gave me the
extra detail and info required to understand each technology down to the
expert level.

The lab proctor Scott was a really funny guy, was there all day to answer
questions (questions about the questions, not the answer), tell some funny
stories at lunch and before the lab, I was pretty laid back and relaxed for
the day, in part because of the atmosphere that he helped to create.

Thanks to all people who take the time to post up informative and on-topic
posts and _massive_ thanks to the Internetwork Expert guys for the
incredible quality materials and the community participation.

Martin Hogan, CCIE# 25636


I wanted to thank Brian McGahan for sharing with us at the
bootcamp so many tips and for explaining very well the technologies
for RS. I also watched the Adv. Tech VoDs (invaluable), did 15 Labs,
3 mock labs and the Core knowledge Sim questions. I was fortunate to
pass the lab on the first attempt, thanks to all the great info from
your products and the labs. I will definitely be using your products
again for the next CCIE.

Ricard Badia CCIE RS #25480


Hi Internetworkexpert,

I'd like to let you know I passed my CCIE Routing and switching exam
on the 16th of September 2009.

My study materials included your DVD Class on Demand, and 3
workbooks. Without these materials preparation for the lab would have
been far more difficult.

Thank you for your excellent products.

David Bluett CCIE #25437


I passed my CCIE R&S on the first try. I took the test because it was
my last chance before the new version of the lab came out. I really
did not think I was ready for the lab yet. However, I still passed.
The ATC course and the Mock Labs definitely prepared me for the

Thank you,
Kevin Kilpatrick CCIE #25105


Hi all,

Finally its my turn!!! #25628 !!! What a relief! My head was one big
protocol/timer bomb that was set to detinate today!

I would like to thank everyone on this list (especially the archives), my
girlfriend for her patience, the INE team, Christian Zengl (#19533) and
everyone else i've been in contact with during this journey!

I've been using quite some materials and resources, the most ones used are:

- INE WB vol 1, 2 and 3
- Mocklabs from INE
- ASET Labs from Cisco
- Cisco Press Books (a lot of them!! CCNP and CCIP track)
- Routing TCP/IP, Volumes 1 and 2 - The bible of networking ;)
- Internet Routing Architectures - Sam Halabi
- CCIE Routing and Switching Exam Certification Guide
- Developing IP Multicast Networks
- Previous course materials from Foundry Networks and Extreme Networks
- Several blogs
- #cisco@freenode

And many more!!

I hope all other candidates from today in Brussels did well!
Wouter Prins



I passed the R&S lab in San Jose on Sep 25, 2009. Thank you to the excellent material, CCIE 2.0 from INE.

Nora Prommahachai CCIE #25554


Hi INE Team,

I would like to thank you all from my bottom of the heart for
helping me out in getting the CCIE.The course content were awesome
and the bootcamps where to the point related to the Lab exam.

I would like to personally thank Brian's,Anthony Sequeria,Stan
Yee(Sales),Marvin Greenle,Petr Laphukhov,Keith Barker and Scott

Please keep up the great work in making many people CCIE.
Once again thank you.Looking for future associations with you all

Anantha Subramanian Natarajan


I pass in the CCIE Service Provider LAB in the First attempt, it was

I'd like to thank IE due its excellent material, team and all support.

Cassio Gomes, Double CCIE R&S / SP #13900



I used your CCIE2.0 (End-to-End when I bought it) products to pass my CCIE R&S lab exam on the first attempt! I am now known as Chris Jones, CCIE# 25655 (R&S).

Special thanks to Anthony Sequeira for helping me on so many levels!

- Chris aka IPv6Freely

Chris Jones, CCIE# 25655 (R&S)

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