On Optimal Study Time Pla ...
07 October 09

On Optimal Study Time Planning

Posted byPetr Lapukhov

Almost anyone studying for CCIE Lab has limited time resources.  Practically everyone thinks about optimum study time management. For example, take IEWB-RS VOL1, which has a tremendous amount of material to work on.  The workbook is structured in sections of different sizes. Let’s assume that you need to spend T1, T2, T3 … TN (N – number of sections) hours on section 1, 2, 3 … N but you only have T hours available for study, so that T1+T2+T3 +… +Tn > T. Of course, if T > T1+T2+…+TN, you’re a lucky person and don’t have to bother with optimizations!. But what should you do if the amount of time required is more than the amount of time you can allocate? How would you split the available time between the sections, is there an optimal approach? Read the full post in PDF format:

Notice that the method utilized in the paper corresponds to a "utilitarian" approach, maximizing the aggregate utility of all "members". I'm going to follow this post with detailed recommendations on study time allocation for our IEWB-RS VOL1. Additionally, I'm planning on providing recommendations using the "egalitarian" apporach, which maximizes the utility of a less satisfied member.

Further Reading:

St. Petersburg Paradox
Marginal Utility
Kelly criterion

There is a separate post on spaced repetitions and memorization titled:

How to Study for your CCIE

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