Congratulations to INE's ...
03 October 09

Congratulations to INE's Latest Success Stories!

Posted byPetr Lapukhov

First of all, for all you guys waiting for more RS updates: three updated full-scale IEWB-RS VOL2 labs have been posted to all subscribed accounts. Another IEWB-RS VOL4 lab is to be posted this weekend.

And now, even better news - we have ten people passing their CCIE labs this week (or maybe even more, we may have not heard from all!). Here is the happy bunch:

  • Chris Riling CCIE #25581 (R&S)
  • Rasim Huseynov CCIE # 25610 (R&S)
  • Wilhelm Boeddinghaus CCIE #25603 (R&S)
  • Federico Cossu CCIE #25593 (R&S)
  • Andrew Forest CCIE # 25526 (R&S)
  • Keith Kim CCIE #25513 (R&S)
  • Ali Salim CCIE#25515 (R&S)
  • Jose Allan Villaescusa CCIE #25556 (R&S)
  • Paul Lavelle CCIE #25542 (R&S)
  • Naga Sayeenathan CCIE #25532 (R&S)

Our sincere congratulations to you all! We are glad we could help you on your way to your success! And now time for inspiring stories and insightful tips from the people who recently passed!


Hello INE,

I passed the route / switch lab in RTP on Sept. 29th. Couldn't have done it without your workbooks and instructors - thanks for helping me finally knock it out of the park!

Chris Riling CCIE # 25581


I passed my CCIE Routing and Switching lab in Tokyo on the 2th of October 2009. Thanks to Internetwork Expert.

Rasim Huseynov CCIE #25610



I was able to pass my lab exam yesterday. Thanks to INE for the great preperation material and the bootcamp in England. They are fantastic trainers.


Wilhelm Boeddinghaus CCIE #25603


Hi all,

i would like to appear on the left side of your web page :) My name is Federico Cossu CCIE R/S #25593, sept 30, bruxelles. proud owner of the ccie 2.0 self paced program :) A question: what will be of my account? will it expire?

Thank you all!

Federico Cossu CCIE #25593 (R&S)


Answer: Federico, your account stays with you forever! Plus, you will receive all updates for the products your purchased for FREE!


Hi Guys,

I just wanted to let you know I passed my R&S Lab exam in Brussels last week on my first attempt! I want to thank you for your excellent workbooks which I used exclusively to pass the exam. The whole process took around 18 months, but to solely study for the Lab took around 9 - 10 months.

The Products I used were:

IEWB v5 VOLI + VOLII Workbooks
INE Class on Demand
INE Audio class
INE Online Community

I wish to thank all the instructors for all their hard work in developing these products!

Kind Regards,

Andrew Forest CCIE # 25526


First of all, I am thanking God for my R&S exam result since I know that I couldn't have done this by myself.

And thank my wife for putting up with me for the past 11+ months so that I could focus and study. Now that I am expecting my princess this December, now I can focus and read to become a Dad. (HK, I love you, Honey!) This was just an earth-shattering experience for me and I couldn't have done this without people around me as well. So I also would like to thank them dearly. Finally, I would like to thank the following people to get me through this incredible journey. Managers at my work place (Mr.P and H) - They both went above and beyond to get me these IE trainings.

- Anthony S. - Excellent 5-Day Bootcamp! I was able to fill in lots of blanks that I had my doubts on.
- Stan Y. - Awesome after-sales support.
- Brian & Brian - Incredible COD!

Now, I can breathe and take a rest for awhile until I challenge the next beast.

Service Provider, here I come!

Thanks to you folks at Internetworkexpert and keep up the great work!

Keith Kim CCIE #25513


INE Team,

I wanted to thank everyone for developing excellent CCIE prep products, which immensely helped me in achieving my CCIE in the first attempt. I also wanted to thank my bootcamp instructors for putting together an excellent bootcamp and providing valuable technial input and time-saving techniques.


Ali Salim CCIE#25515



I Just wanted you to know that i passed my CCIE routing & switching LAB last Sept 25,2009 it was my second attempt. Your products (WORKBOOK I - III, MOCK LAB, CORE KNOWLEDGE SIMULATOR) really worked!!! :). The Class on Demand was excellent and helped to reinforce the blueprint topics and your workbook is hands down the best. .I'll be back for SP.


Jose Allan Villaescusa CCIE # 25556


I passed my CCIE Routing and Switching on 25th of September 2009. Thanks to all the team at Internetwork Expert for their excellent study material.

Paul Lavelle CCIE #25542 (R&S)


I have passed the CCIE R&S Lab on 24th of Sep 2009 and would like to thank the folks at INE. I started with the 10-day COD and Vol1 & Vol2 workbooks and attended the Mock lab workshop a week prior to my exam. The Vol1 workbook scenarios were good and reflected all the sections in the cisco's official blueprint. Mock lab workshop helped me to develop my configuration speed, identify my weaknesses and build my confidence. I would recommend INE to everybody who would like to achieve their CCIE certification.

Naga Sayeenathan CCIE #25532 (R&S)


And here is an extra success story from the person who passed last week (CCIE SP):

Hi Scott and Team,

I passed the CCIE SP lab in SJC on Friday Sep 25th. I will post my best practices here in the SP general forum for the benefit of the larger team. I have used the forums brain power on quite a few occassions and this is my humble contribution to the gang here:
I have 9 years of experience in the Service Provider side.

Preparation: (In this order)

1. Cisco Networkers 8 hour techtorial
2. IP Expert volume1 in Dynamips
3. IP Expert Volume2 in Dynamips
4. Internetwork Expert volume 2 in Dynamips
5. Internetwork Expert online Service provider Bootcamp
6. MPLABs in Dynamips
7. Internetwork Expert volume 2 + bootcamp scenarios repeated in Rack sessions of Graded labs provided via INE

As I went along, I would augment my reading and understanding on each technology. The real thing for me was item 5: the bootcamp, which just zoomed up my intensity level. Thanks to Scott for doing a great job on that and more importantly keeping it fun. But if you decide to take this, bear in mind that you need to be at a pretty good technology/configuration level to benefit the most from it.

Also the rack sessions in the latter part of the studies were really much better for me since my windows PC would have a major CPUHOG after the 5th or 6th section. I would not know whether an issue was of my creation or just contributed by my laptop. With the real rack, I had the freedom to enable debugs, generate streams using IP RTR, and ping the way I would really test a production network.

Some of my Best Practices:

1. During the week, I would login and try to complete a section after dinner in 2-3 hours. The next day really think through how that worked or did not work, come up with a list of items to read up on, how to find the relevant stuff by DOC-CD etc
2. The weekends: I will try to work for 3-7 hours depending on schedule.
3. All along my preparation, I came up wih a list of cheatsheets by section and revise them at every step of the way. Read up on each technology and write notes on how the config and the funda go hand in hand.
4. Check Forum postings religiously wherever I am and pay attention to what the experts are saying. However use your own logic and common-sense on what to adopt and what not.
5. During the month before the lab date, focus on speed.
6. Take a deep breath before configuing something crazy based on the interpretation of a question. Most often there is a simple solution to it. Not the roundabout way of doing things. After configuring read everything back again to ensure you got ALL the requirements.

Lab Date: I really liked the San Jose lab for the wide screen LCD displays and a professional setup. My only complaint was that nobody made regular coffee in the breakroom, and I had no time to make a pot. There was decaf which I just spit out as it tasted horrible. In the afternoon I just made myself a hot green tea which worked great. Also I was shocked to see a guy dozing in the break room :) Hopefully not a CCIE candidate that day :). Beware of the drops in intensity after lunch etc and motivate yourself to chug through it.

Whats next: Maybe some dabbling in the Juniper world. But for now giving as much of time back to friends and family who I have been avoiding for several months.

Thanks again,

Prasanna Ramachandran CCIE #25551

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