The INE Online Community Thanks - John Spaulding
INE wants to thank another incredible member of our IEOC! John Spaulding (littelgreymen12). John is currently enjoying a $50 Gift Certificate to When you read John's story below, I am sure you can determine what those funds will purchase. :-)
John Spaulding, CCIE #25143, used the INE CCIE 2.0 program throughout his studies. He built his own rack for practice and used the Poly labs and Graded Mock labs. These really helped John figure out the grading process and where he could do better. John is currently sitting on the couch and catching up on all the Video games that he has missed in the passed 7 months. He is also spending time with family, his beautiful girlfriend, Courtney, and of course his pets who have missed him the most :)
Starting January, 2010, John plans to start studying for his service provider track and has upgraded his rack to accommodate the changes of the new blueprint. John plans on purchasing the INE service provider product and will attend a live Bootcamp in the near future. John wants to thank INE for all of their support. We want to thank John for his incredible work in our forums and for being one of our most cherished customers!