    Core Knowledge Section to ...
    16 May 09

    Core Knowledge Section to Hit the CCIE Security Track

    Posted byINE

    The latest track to receive a Core Knowledge Section is Security.

    The new section arrives Jun 15, 2009. INE hopes to have the new CCIE Security Core Knowledge Simulation released on May 20, 2009.

    Here is the official Cisco link (which does not say much):

    Official Cisco Announcement

    Here is some facts about this new section:

    • You must complete this portion of the exam before you start the traditional configuration portion.
    • You have a total of 30 minutes to complete this section, you may finish early if you like and immediately begin your configuration section.
    • You will receive 4 questions via the computer and you must provide short answers using the computer interface. The questions are not oral in nature. Typical responses require 4 to 5 words at most.
    • Spelling and/or grammar does not count against you.
    • The questions are manually graded by a proctor. If you purchase an exam re-read, they will re-grade your question responses.
    • You may not return to the short answer questions once you have begun the configuration portion of the lab exam.
    • You will not receive a score when you complete this section, but you must pass this portion to pass the CCIE. You will receive your score in the open-ended section if you fail the exam. The score is reported as 0% or 100% (pass or fail). You may only miss one question in the section in order to pass.
    • Most students finish the 4 to 5 questions in approximately 12 minutes.
    • The configuration portion of the exam has been reduced to accommodate this initial 30 minutes.
    • You still have a total of 8 hours that makeup the open-ended questions and the configuration portion.
    • You may not access the DOC-CD to answer these questions.
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