Cisco R/S and Security La ...
27 January 09

Cisco R/S and Security Lab Exam Challenge – DoS Protection

Posted byINE

One of my student friends from Cisco RTP suggested a great weekly addition to our blog - a sample task from a Mock Lab to challenge the blog faithful. Cool idea! Love it! To not spoil your fun when taking our Mock Labs, these tasks have been written special so that there is no carryover.

My first installment is a topic that could easily appear on either the R/S Lab or the Security Lab. Enjoy! You are more than welcome to post your suggested solution in the comments. I will wait a week and then post a solution in there myself - along with some explanation text. If you enjoy this new blog installment, you should check out our products, because they are even better! :-)

Here we go!

8.0 Security

8.1 DoS Protection

You are concerned about DoS attacks against a key perimeter router in your company. Configure R1 so that it limits the aggregate rate of ARP traffic toward the route processor to 75 packets per second. Routing control traffic marked with an IP Precedence value of 6 should be limited to 100 packets per second.

2 points

NOTE: The solution and walkthrough are posted in the comments below dated February 6, 2009. Once again, this is a fraction of what you receive in our products!

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