Using the DOC-CD During t ...
27 December 08

Using the DOC-CD During the CCIE Lab Exam

Posted byINE

Many of my Boot Camp students ask me about exactly how they are going to be using the DOC-CD during the lab exam.  Specifically, they say "I have heard that I need to be a master at the DOC-CD in order to pass, but what exactly does that mean?"

I thought I would post a concrete example of how to use the DOC-CD during the lab exam for all to read.

I was very diligent in studying all of my expanded blueprint topics during preparation, but my memory is certainly not what it used to be, especially after long years of collegiate partying at Zoo-Mass Amherst. Thanks to DOC-CD access, however, I did not need to memorize too many details at all.

Here is a sample task from a hypothetical Security section of the lab exam and a narrative of how I used the DOC-CD in this instance.


DoS Protection

8.2 Configure R1 to protect Web servers located at,, and from DoS SYN-flooding attacks. Ensure the router sends Resets to the servers if connections are not established within 15 seconds. Make sure R1 reduces this interval by half if 700 connection requests are received within 1 minute. Return to the previous interval if the connection requests fall to 300 within 1 minute.

2 points

Thanks to my studies, I quickly recognize this is a question that requires the use of the TCP Intercept feature. I also recall that an access list can be used with the feature, and I remember that the feature can operate in one of two modes. But frankly, that is all I remember. No problem at all!

I fire open the link to the DOC-CD and find the TCP Intercept feature within 10 seconds. Literally. Once there, I very quickly jog my memory of the two modes and some of the other features available with the tool. I have already read this document twice in great detail as part of my preparation, so everything comes back really quickly as I skim it during the lab exam.

I get full credit for this lab task in about 4 to 5 minutes, thanks in great part to your friend and mine, the DOC-CD.

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